Anti-Bullying Week Monday 15th – Friday 19th November.

Anti-Bullying Week will be taking place on Monday 15th November – Friday 19th November.

Wear Odd Socks Day is on Monday 15th November and Children in Need is taking place on Friday 19th November.

We have an exciting week planned to celebrate both events and provide lots of learning opportunities as well as a chance for us to come together as a school.

This year’s theme for anti-bullying week is ‘One Kind Word’, which means we can have a positive focus to the week of encouraging kindness and friendship as well as the idea of one good deed leads to another. 

Odd Socks Day – Monday 15th November

All children, staff and visitors are invited to wear odd socks to celebrate their uniqueness on Monday 15th November to start the week off.

Children In Need – Non-uniform Day – Friday 19th November

Children can donate and any spare coins from home 1s/2s/5s/10 – anything they have will make a huge impact. Each class will have a big Pudsey outline to stick their coins to.

We will post lots of photos from the many lessons and activities happening during the week. Remember to check out the website often to see all the activities happening during the week.