Nursery: Anti-Bullying Week-One kind word

Some of the activities we have done this week in Nursery.. We have worked together in groups of two or three to help each other build the largest towers. This develops our collaboration skills and encourages the children to make new friends along the way! We have learned about how to be kind in the […]

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Rocksteady! Live band

Rock Steady came to Gosford Park on Wednesday and did 40-minute workshops with each phase of school. The children had a fantastic time and were shown different musical instruments and various genres that use the musical instruments. Letters were given out to the children to have Music Lessons throughout the year (Thursday PMs for 30

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Computing: “Wow! Can you see that!” – VR Experience

At Gosford Park, we aim to inspire children to really engage in their learning and to see it as a journey to becoming life long learners. We had an amazing opportunity to use virtual reality in school to inspire them and provide an experience they may not of had before. The children really enjoyed using

Computing: “Wow! Can you see that!” – VR Experience Read More »