What is Class Dojo?

ClassDojo is a platform that helps us instantly communicate and engage with all our families and students.  You can see all of your child’s positive feedback from teachers. Parents can use any iOS device, Android device, or computer to connect! You can also read all Class Story posts in your preferred language instantly! Parents/Carers can Share Home Learning activities […]

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What is Mini Mash?

Dear Parent/Carer,Your child has access to Mini Mash, a whole world of fun and exciting learning opportunities in one safeonline space. What is Mini Mash?Mini Mash is a platform designed for little learners aged 3-5, where children can learn through play. MiniMash, part of the wider learning platform of Purple Mash, is set out just

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Computing: we are game programmers!

in Year 4 & 6, we have been using scratch to programme games and interactive projects. We have been focusing on the use of sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; working with variables and various forms of input and output and using logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and

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Remote Learning at Gosford Park – 2020-21

Clicking Here you will find Homework resources, external website links, shared resources and media to help support your child’s learning at home. All children from Nursery to Year 6 have logins to access our online learning platform Seesaw and a school email address to access Google Meet sessions. They also have access to Education City and Children in Years 1-6

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