Chromebooks for Classroom support

We are very fortunate to now have 100+ Chromebooks in school. These lightweight and affordable laptops are designed for web-based tasks and have a range of features that make them ideal for use in the classroom. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using Chromebooks in school and how they can enhance the learning experience for students. Especially using them with Purplemash and other services we use in school.

  • Easy to Use

Chromebooks are designed to be easy to use, even for students who have little experience with computers. They boot up quickly and require no software installations, making it easy for students to get started on their work right away. In addition, they have a simple and intuitive interface that students can quickly learn to navigate.

  • Educational Apps and Extensions

Chromebooks are designed to work with a range of educational apps and extensions that can enhance the learning experience for students. For example, there are apps for creating presentations, taking notes, and learning new languages. In addition, there are extensions that can help students stay focused, such as blocking distracting websites during class time. They have been set to be uniform and provide easy access to our school resources. .

  • Safe and Secure

Chromebooks are designed to be safe and secure, which is essential in an educational setting. They have built-in security features, such as automatic updates and virus protection, that help prevent students from accidentally downloading malware or visiting harmful websites.

  • Customizable for Different Learning Styles

Chromebooks are highly customizable, which makes them ideal for students with different learning styles. For example, there are apps and extensions that can help students with visual impairments, dyslexia, or other learning challenges. Teachers can also customize the devices to suit the needs of their classroom, such as setting up specific apps or limiting access to certain websites. Please let IT Technician know if you need help using these features.