Coventry’s Young Writer of the Year

Last week to link with our whole school PSHE learning, we launched a competition for children to enter the ‘Coventry Young Writers’ contest, whereby children can craft a piece of unique writing about how to make our environment a happy place for others. The children have shown great interest for this and we have received some entries already, which is wonderful! The children have had two weeks to get the writing into Mrs. Wood. Remember to come back here in the next few weeks to see our “Very Hungry Writer” display and some of the competitions best pieces of writing!

Have you ever wished you could make the world a better place? If you had the power, what would you do and why? In a maximum of 500 words tell us how you would improve the environment or how people behave towards each other. What needs to be done to make our planet a better place to live?

Competition Rules

  • Tell us about something in the world that you’d like to make better for everyone (you might want to see changes that protect our wildlife or the oceans, or perhaps improving your neighborhood and bringing the people who live there together)
  • Remember to include a title
  • Please use your best handwriting
  • Don’t write more than 500 words.