English: Happy Handwriting Fortnight

As a school, we will be using continuous cursive handwriting, which has been shared with the children and modelled by their teachers on working walls and in marking. We are currently at the start of ‘Happy Handwriting Fortnight’, a time dedicated to improving presentation standards across all subjects, in order for children to feel pride in the work they produce at Gosford Park. Below is an example of Year 2’s handwriting produced at the end of last week! It is truly beautiful!


We started the Happy handwriting fortnight with an assembly on handwriting as a focus. We played an in-class game with 4 children from each house in a handwriting competition for the assembly. It was fantastic to see how enthusiastic and motivated the children were to improve their handwriting!

Happy handwriting fortnight will finish on Thursday 3rd Feb – ready for awards to be announced in Gosford Greatest assembly the next day. Children with consistently neat handwriting, will then be able to be put forward for pen licenses.