HAF: free activities and experiences with free nutritional food provided.

What is HAF?

HAF is a national Department for Education funded programme that enables eligible children and young people to attend free activities and experiences with free nutritional food provided. HAF activities and experiences take place in the Easter, Summer and Christmas school holidays. 

HAF Objectives

There are many benefits for children who attend the HAF programme. We encourage all HAF providers to ensure a high-quality experience that will result in children:

• Receiving healthy and nutritious meals

• Maintaining a healthy level of physical activity

• Being happy, having fun and meeting new friends

• Developing a greater understanding of food, nutrition and other health related issues

• Taking part in fun and engaging activities that support their development and well-being

• Feeling safe and secure

• Getting access to the right support services

• Returning to school feeling engaged and ready to learn.

Who is eligible?

Children and young people need to be school-aged children (reception to year 11 inclusive) and meet one or more of the following criteria:

• In receipt of benefits-related free school meals. The Council’s website has more information on this: Coventry.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals

• Assessed (through a Children and Families assessment, undertaken by Children’s Services) as a “child in need”

• On a child protection plan

• A child in care

• A young carer

• Assessed (through an early help assessment) to be in financial hardship

• Part of the Ukrainian Family Scheme or the Home for Ukraine programme

• Receiving Free School Meals through having No Recourse to Public Funds.

Helpful links and resources

Coventry City Council HAF homepage

Coventry City Council Cost of Living support

HAF eligibility

Eequ homepage

HAF Spring 2024 video