How to do a School Blog Post

School posts are great for displaying class lessons, class news and other news/events happening at school. As well as whole school news and information. It is a great means to improve on parent/community engagement and demonstrate our school’s curriculum to the wider world.

A post is usually just a title, a short paragraph and some photos/documents. You then select the relevant categories and add corresponding tags. It should not take long to do. Similar to posting an update on a social media site. You can also add hyperlinks, pdfs and other media. 

*Posts are set up in Categories and/or Tags so when clicking on relevant pages, posts regarding that subject or year group appear.  For example, on the Online Safety page, if someone posted about an Online safety lesson they had done and selected the Year 5 category and used the Online Safety tag, it would appear on both the year group page and subject page. 

Instructions on how to create a post:

  1.  Create a new post by selecting the + New and then Post
  2.  Give your post a catchy Title 
  3.  Write a short paragraph. 
  4.  Insert Photos/media
  5.  Categories – select News/ Events & your year group
  6.  Tags – select News/ Events & your year group
  7.  Set Feature image  
  8.  Select Preview to see final result, if happy with the post, go back and select Submit for Review.


  • You can go back and edit your post at anytime.
  • Keep it simple – It shouldn’t take more than 10-15 minutes to make a post.
  • Double check you have not included any photos of children who can not be featured on the blog.
  • All Posts when Published are sent to be reviewed before going Live.