Office 365 Download

Getting yourself Office365 applications for your Laptop/Computer

All staff at Gosford Park  have an email address, this email address can be used to download and install Office 365 onto your own personal computer; for free!

  • Navigate to your emails by clicking here.
  • Next you will need to log onto your email, you should know these details. If you do not, please speak with Tom.
  • Once logged on, you’ll be welcomed by your emails or the ‘Dashboard’ for Office 365.
  • Click the little squares on the top left of the screen. This should take you to the Dashboard. 
  • Once on the dashboard, you’ll be able to see what applications you have available for your account. 
  • Click on “Install Office” and install the Office 365 downloader.
  • Once this downloader has been downloaded, just let it run on your computer while it downloads all of your applications.
  • Once this is done, you can open any Office applications and use it. Though it may require a login to activate the software.