SEND (Special Educational Need or Disability)

We are a large, inclusive, mainstream primary school and have high expectations for all children to reach their full potential during their time at our school. We believe in promoting every possible opportunity to enable this by providing all children with access to a broad and balanced curriculum.

All staff at Gosford Park are committed to:

      Doing everything they can to meet pupils’ special educational needs.

      Ensuring that pupils with SEND engage in activities alongside their peers

      Being responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class. 

Useful Links and Apps for SEND children and parents;

  • SENDIASS – A site aimed at supporting and informing parents of children with

  • Plant, Love, Grow –  A site with resources to support emotional wellbeing and managing emotions.

  • Spelling Training –  A site with games to support spelling practice and embed spelling rules.

  • NRICH – A site with maths activities covering the primary range.

  • IXL – A site for maths games activities from Reception to year 13.

Click to see how we support Mental health and Wellbeing at Gosford Park

Summer Coding Camp

Looking for fun and educational coding activities for your child this summer? Look no further than Python in...

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Gosford Park Primary School
Humber Avenue,
CV1 2SF (if using a satnav, use postcode CV1 2DD)
Tel. 02476 223281


Copyright © Gosford Park Primary School