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Read MoreParent Support at Gosford Park
At Gosford Park, we are proud of the support we offer to families and the community. Our dedicated team works hard to overcome any barriers to learning.
We recognize the important role we play in protecting children and supporting pupils at school. Our goal is to ensure the welfare, safety, and health of our pupils by creating an honest, open, caring, and supportive environment. The welfare of our pupils is our top priority.
Safeguarding Children
Sometimes, we may need to consult other agencies about a child’s welfare without informing the parents first. Our main concern is always the child’s welfare, and we have a duty to protect them. This consultation might lead to a formal referral, which could involve visits from social services or the police. We understand this can be distressing, but we follow the procedures set by the Coventry Safeguarding Board.
We use CPOMS, a secure online system, to manage and monitor safeguarding and student welfare concerns efficiently.
Operation Encompass
Operation Encompass helps us support children who may have been in a household where domestic violence has taken place. When the police attend an incident, they inform the child’s school the next day. Whilst we do not raise this with the child or parent/career it does allow us to be aware of what the child may have experienced and we will keep a special eye on them.
Family Worker Role
Our family worker advises and supports families with issues that might affect children at school. They attend meetings with other agencies to address support needs or safeguarding issues. They also offer direct advice and support to parents and can guide them to helpful services and agencies.
Support can be informal too, such as help with routines, behavior management, and direct work with children on issues like bereavement, anger management, social relationships, and protective behaviors.
Our family worker also explores new ways to support our children and families.
If you think they can help your child or family, please contact us at enquiries@gosfordpark.coventry.sch.uk or call 024 76223281.
Useful Services for Families:
- Coventry Citizens Advice Bureau: 02476 223284
- Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre: 02476 227254
- Cruse Bereavement Counselling: 02476 670714
- Coventry and Warwickshire Relate: 02476 225863

Safety and Security
Gosford Park Primary School benefits from a very secure site. We are surrounded by a security fence and restricted access via locked gates. Should parents or guardians need to gain access to the building during the school day, they may do so via the front office.
Signing In:
Every visitor coming into Gosford Park Primary MUST report to the main reception and sign in where you will be given a visitors sticker.
Gosford Park Primary School will not tolerate verbal or physical aggression towards its staff or pupils. This type of behaviour will result in removal, a ban from the school grounds, and possible prosecution.
Fire Safety:
You must make yourself aware of all ’Emergency Exits’ located and signposted across the school. Upon hearing the ’Fire Alarm’ you must exit from the nearest Emergency Exit and look for an Assembly Point.
DO NOT stop to pick up personal belongings.
DO NOT re-enter the building until you are advised it is safe to do so.
No Smoking:
Gosford Park Primary School operates a non-smoking policy, this includes the grounds as well as the buildings.
- The carpark entrance and pedestrian entrance gate
- The Foyer by the front office
- The Sensory Room
You can read our CCTV policy and there are signs in the areas affected.
Gosford Park Primary School
Humber Avenue,
CV1 2SF (if using a satnav, use postcode CV1 2DD)
Tel. 02476 223281