Safer Internet Day 2023

At Gosford Park Primary School we take online safety very seriously. We promote not only respect, kindness and healthy relationships whilst in school but also when outside of school and especially when online. From gaming and chat, to streaming and video, our children are shaping the interactive entertainment spaces they are a part of. Safer Internet Day 2023 celebrates young people’s role in creating a safer internet, whether that is whilst gaming and creating content, or interacting with their friends and peers. This year the theme is ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’. Below is just a few examples of the discussions.

Year 2 – We read ‘Hanni and the Magic Window’ and talked about who our trusted adults would be. We them completed a picture together on the board to say who our trusted adults at school were and then the children created their own on sheets.

Year 5 – we discussed why we have ‘internet safety days’

*We looked at this years theme and discussed why it is important to talk.

*We talked about all the fun things we do on the internet and also the things that happen which are not fun.

*Finally they looked at the questions that the UK Safer Internet centre are trying to answer and created information posters to address.

Year 6 – We arranged cards of online issues in order of what the children felt was least to most of an issue for them and discussed why, and then what they felt least to most confident in dealing with We then played a ‘This or That’ game of which things the children preferred, e.g. playing games vs watching videos, meeting a famous YouTuber vs becoming a famous YouTuber.