Sports & Aspirations Week: Day 3 & 4

There’ll be some tired faces this week as each class completes a daily 1km run. The four laps of our field sound a bit daunting, but children and staff have put their best foot forward and given it their all. Well done!

Year 6 have had so much fun on the inflatables today! Very hot & sweaty.

Is it even summer at primary school if you’re not playing a game of rounders? Thank you to 5 Dunlop for showing us how it’s done…

Year3 practicing their dance moves!

This week we have been pleased to welcome Lee from Skip-Hop who has been working with all our classes to improve their skipping skills. Everyone has worked really hard, and it was brilliant to share their successes with a key stage 1 & 2 assembly.

Meet George! George took some time out his busy working day to give years 4, 5 and 6 a demonstration of his talents. He worked really hard to sniff out three scented rags that our children had hidden around the playground and was duly rewarded with his favourite ball and some well-deserved fuss. Thank you so much George! Also pictured: George’s handler, and PCSO Jake Bird who is a regular visitors to the school.

We rounded off day 4 with a visit from West Midlands Fire Service. They talked about the physical demands of the job, while some of our pupils got just a small taste of just how difficult it is by trying on some of their protective gear. We are very grateful they could spare the time to visit us.