Year 1: Science
In year 1, we were learning about different animals and we grouped them based upon what they eat: carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. We investigated ‘animal poo’ and tried to figure out which type of animal it belongs to.
In year 1, we were learning about different animals and we grouped them based upon what they eat: carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. We investigated ‘animal poo’ and tried to figure out which type of animal it belongs to.
Pupil composed a piece of music using long and short sounds. Then they played it on a percussion instrument.
We used LEGO Education Spike to investigate, brain-storm, refine and test prototypes for our Design and Technology week. Check out some of the prototypes below.
On Monday, our Primary Leadership Team met with volunteers from the Hope Community Centre to donate the old library books that did not sell in our ‘World Book Day’ sale. Jacob from Year 6 has shared the experience:“Caroline shared with us about how the Hope Community Centre helps over 170 families in our community a
Citizenship at Gosford Park Read More »
This term we are learning how to compare and measure length and height. We are learning to use and understand the language of length such as long, longer, short, shorter, tall, taller. We are also learning to understand that height is a type of length. We have really enjoyed measuring lots of different items in
Year 1: Length and height Read More »
We took part in the nationwide girls football day to promote equality for girls within football. Over 60 girls played! We had so much fun! Gosford Park has lot’s of talented girl footballers, don’t stop playing girls!
National girls football day #Letgirlsplay Read More »
The UK has a fairly unique tradition known as “Pancake Day” that comes the day before Lent begins. This day is otherwise known as “Shrove Tuesday” and is 47 days before Easter Sunday. In other cultures, Mardi Gras takes place on this date. Pancake day is an observance only, not an official bank holiday. As
Pancake (Shrove Tuesday) Day 2022 🥞 Read More »
Year 5 competed in a local competition for basketball at the AT7 Centre. It was shortened version of basketball and was 3 vs 3 game on half a court. We had an amazing morning and won 1, drew 1 and lost 1 in the group stages. This was enough for us to progress to the