February half term outdoor activities – Outdoor Education Service

Coventry Outdoors will be running a series of outdoor activity days aimed for children and young people who are aged 9-13 years old. Coventry Outdoors Activity Camps gets children and young people into the wild, where they will learn and experience an unforgettable adventure, from survival techniques to all sorts of outdoor activities and challenges, […]

February half term outdoor activities – Outdoor Education Service Read More »

OPAL program was launched on Tuesday morning with the theme, ‘try anything’

This week we have started to make changes to our lunchtime provision. Our OPAL program was launched on Tuesday morning with the theme, ‘try anything’. The children have fully embraced the changes we have implemented so far. Here is what our children had to say,  “We get to play in bigger spaces and I like

OPAL program was launched on Tuesday morning with the theme, ‘try anything’ Read More »

We hope you have a great Christmas holiday 2023! We will see you on Monday 8th January 2024.

We hope you all have a fantastic Festive break & New Year’s Eve. Thank you for your continued support this year and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 8th January 2024. Important information for the new school year can be found below!

We hope you have a great Christmas holiday 2023! We will see you on Monday 8th January 2024. Read More »

Online Safety: Will your kids be playing video games during the holidays?

Will your kids be playing video games during the holidays? Here is an expert resource designed to help young people to game online safely. Online gaming is hugely popular with children and young people. Research conducted by OFCOM shows that gaming is still one of the top activities enjoyed by 5-16 year olds online, with many

Online Safety: Will your kids be playing video games during the holidays? Read More »