All staff can sign into school Chromebooks using your username, which is your First Name Initial and Surname.
This modification is designed to improve access and make it more convenient for you all if you haven’t got access to a Staff device.
The primary benefit of this change is that you now have the ability to access nearly all school resources online.
It’s important to note that this access is online-only, and while it opens up a range of possibilities, there are some limitations:
- File Format Restrictions: You may encounter some restrictions when working with certain file formats. Specifically, you won’t be able to access or edit Active Inspire flipcharts or Publisher files.
- You may notice some limitation to what you can do on the online versions compared to the desktop applications.
Despite these limitations, this modification will hopefully be useful when you find yourself in a situation without access to a Windows device but need to connect to school resources.
I do need to make it clear that the Chromebooks are still primarily Pupil devices and must be stored in the trollies.